Student Notices
I. Admission and Registration |
1) A candidate student must be aged 12 to 18 with foreign nationality, permanent residence permit of a foreign country, or Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan identity;
2) Each student studying in Shanghai requires a guardian, which can be either of his parents, or any other adult authorized by his parents;
3) He must provide the application form, proof of school performance for the last two years and recommendation letters from former teachers;
4) He must also take the school's placement exams including Chinese, Mathematics and English as well as interviews.
2.Entrance procedure:
1) Each student must submit all the original materials or their photocopies mentioned in the above Qualification section;
2) He must pass all placement exams;
3) He must pay at least one semester's fees for tuition, textbooks and service. Each boarding student must also pay one semester's boarding fees;
4) In addition, he must sign a Student Notices Agreement.
1) A school year is divided into two semesters, the spring semester, which begins in February and the fall semester, which starts in September.
2) The school accepts students' registration within one and a half months after a semester begins. After that, it does consultation and accepts application for the next semester.
II. Residence Permit and Visa |
Visa Z: for those whose parents hold the Expert Visa
Visa L: Travel Visa
Visa X: Study Visa
1.Students should be clear of the information on their passports and visas, especially the expiry dates.
2.Students whose parents work in Shanghai should apply for Visa Z. When they are over 18 years old, the school assists in changing to Visa X.
3.Students without parents in Shanghai:
1) Those over 16 years old must provide proof of their guardians and pass all health inspections in Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.
2) Those under 16 must provide guardian notarization. No health inspection is required.
4.Upon arrival at school, students must submit their passports to the school for it to assist in changing to Visa X, because Visa L expires 30 days after disembarkation.
5.Students must keep in mind the deadline of their legal residence in Shanghai, which is the same as the expiry date on the residence permit rather than the one on Visa X.
6.Length of residence permit is one year except in the following situations:
1) If a student's passport is expired before the expiry date on his residence permit, the expiry date on the passport is viewed as the deadline of his legal residence. In this case, the student must go to his country's embassy in Shanghai for passport extension with proof of study from the school when the expiry date on his passport draws near.
2) If the 18th birthday of a student arrives before the expiry date on his residence permit, that day is viewed as the deadline of his legal residence. In this case, the student must take additional health inspections.
7.Students must keep their passports and residence permits properly. Inase they lose either of them, they must report the loss immediately to their parents/guardians and the school.
III. Daily Schedule |
Monday to Friday:
School arrival time for non-boarding students: 7:50
Dorm departure time for boarding students: 7:30
Morning:Monday to Friday
1st lesson 7:50—8:30
2nd lesson 8:40—9:20
3rd lesson 9:30—10:10
4th lesson 10:30—11:10
5th lesson 11:20—11:55
Lunch 12:00—12:30
Afternoon:Monday to Thursday
6th lesson 13:15—13:55
7th lesson 14:10—14:50
8th lesson 15:00—15:40
9th lesson 15:50—16:30
6th lesson 12:45—13:25
7th lesson 13:35—14:15
Dinner 16:45—17:15
Muslin Dinner 17:15—17:45
Evening:Monday to Thursday
1st lesson 18:00—19:15
2nd lesson 19:30—20:45
Snack Time 21:00—21:20
Bed Time 22:00 |
IV. Refund policies & Balance of School Fees |
1.Once the school receives students' application forms, it does not return application fees.
2.Once students receive their textbooks, usually on the first day of school, it does not return textbook fees.
3.If students need to transfer to other schools or if they are advised to depart from the school, it returns half of tuition fees and boarding fees if they complete no more than half of a semester. If they already complete half of a semester, it does not return these fees.
4.If students severely violate school rules and are expelled from the school, please refer to the above policy 3.
5.Service fees for Visa (charged by Exit-Entry Administration Department), school uniform, and school card, etc. are charged at the beginning of a semester and the balance is returned at the end if there is any.
6.The one-day trip budget is no more than 400 Yuan per semester, which is included in Miscellaneous Items. If the actual expense exceeds the budget, students must cover the extra part themselves.
7.Students must remove all personal belongings when they withdraw from the dormitory. If there is any damage to or loss of dorm properties, they are responsible for the cost of recovery.
8.A Balance Sheet is available on the Notice Board and students can get the balance after they sign it. |
V. Exam and Score Management |
1.The school holds mid-term exams and final exams each semester for all students. Any absence from these exams affects grading progress or graduation.
2.It also holds monthly exams to strengthen student study.
3.All exam records are kept by the International Division's Teaching Affairs Office.
4.The school sends a monthly report to parents or guardians, which records exam scores, class performance, school behavior, etc.
5.It also provides an Academic Report recording all exam scores free of charge when students withdraw from the school. It gives each extra Report at the price of RMB 10 if asked to. |
VI. Student Clubs and Chinese Culture Tour |
1.The school encourages students to broaden their cultural perspectives and enhance their personalized capabilities with a harmonious background of diverse cultures.
2.It organizes student clubs of all kinds every semester for each student to participate in at least one of them.
3.It also arranges a 2-to-5-day Chinese Culture Tour, which is closely connected with the curriculum of a semester. Students are encouraged to take an active part in the Tour, throughout which they must follow their teachers' instructions and they are responsible for their own safety. |
VII. Attendance Rules |
1.Students must be prompt for classes. They must not leave school during school hours without acceptable reasons.
2.They must not be late for or absent from classes. Nor must they leave school earlier than allowed.
3.If students can not attend classes due to school affairs, they must notify their class teachers in advance for permission.
4.If they can not attend school due to illness or personal affairs, their parents or guardians must ask for leave for them and provide proof. They may ask the class teacher for one-day leave, the vice-director for three-day leave, and the director for one-week leave. They must complete ask-for-leave procedure afterwards if there is an emergency.
5.If students need to leave school during school hours from Monday to Friday, they must provide a written application or permit from their parents or guardians. They may leave school after they get a permit called 'Exit Slip' from the class teacher.
6.If students don’t feel well during school hours, they may go to the school clinic or an appointed room for rest. If home rest or hospital treatment is necessary, the school must notify their parents or guardians for permission and students may leave school after they get an 'Exit Slip'.
7.If students are absent from 70% of all classes each semester, approximately 200 classes, they are not allowed to take final exams and thus can not progress to a higher grade unless they have very special reasons.
8.Students absent from 15 classes or more per month get a warning punishment and those absent from 25 classes or more get a severe warning punishment.
9.Attendance information of each student is recorded on his academic report.
VIII. Student Dressing Rules |
1.Students are required to be properly dressed in school. They must not wear sleeveless outfits or those that do not cover the abdomen or the back. Nor must they wear short pants or skirts 10 cm above the knee.
2.They must wear outfits suitable for sports in PE classes.
3.They must not wear weird hair styles or outfits. Nor must they wear tattoos.
4.They must not wear slippers. Girl students must not wear high heels over 6cm.
5.Students must behave modestly and decently, to avoid being considered rude in a school environment of diverse nationalities and cultures.
6.If students violate any of these dressing rules and do not change into proper outfits upon teachers' dissuasion, the school gives them disciplinary punishment and notifies their parents or guardians. They can not attend classes until they are properly dressed. The consequent absence from class is viewed as 'absenteeism'. |
IX. Class Rules |
1.During a class, students must not leave their seats as they want, or leave classrooms to answer phone calls, etc. They must not interrupt teachers when they are speaking or do anything that affects other students. If they violate these rules and do not correct themselves after teachers' dissuasion, the school gives them disciplinary punishment.
2.During a class, students are not allowed to use anything the school thinks irrelevant to the class, including mobile phones, music players and game players. If teachers catch students using any of these things, they are authorized to keep it until class is over. If such incident repeats, the class teacher or the school can keep what teachers get in class until the end of the semester.
3.Students must obey class rules, listen attentively in class and finish their class work and homework in time. If they fail to hand in their homework on time, or do not hand it in at all, or copy others' homework, their academic performance is affected and at the same time, they are detained in school until they finish their homework by themselves. If such incident repeats, the school gives them disciplinary punishment.
4.Subject teachers should report any violation of class rules to the class teacher and participate in disciplinary punishment.
X. Examination Rules |
1.Once the preparation bell rings, examinees must enter examination rooms and wait quietly in their seats.
2.They must take all the stationery needed for an exam and leave things irrelevant to an exam in an appointed place.
3.They must finish examination papers by themselves. If an exam paper is not clearly printed, they can ask invigilators after raising their hands and getting permission, except for which any communication is viewed as cheating.
4.Any examinee 15 minutes late for an exam is forbidden to enter the examination room. Once an exam starts, examinees must not hand in exam papers until after 30 minutes. No examinee is allowed to leave the exam room during an exam.
5.Calculators, books and dictionaries are only allowed in an exam with the permission of invigilators. Using them without permission is viewed as cheating.
6.Once an exam is over, all students must hand in examination papers immediately and leave examination rooms quietly.
7.Students found cheating in an exam receive a zero score. The school may also give them heavy disciplinary punishment.
8.Students who fail in final exams each semester must resit them.
9.The school holds make-up exams one week after final exams. Those who need to resit exams should be well prepared and must not be absent for any unacceptable reason.
XI. Boarding Rules |
1.The school provides standard rooms, each equipped with two single beds, a refrigerator, a television, air-conditioning and a shower room. Dormitory supervisors are available to ensure security.
2.All overseas students must apply for school accommodation through their parents or guardians. They must also sign a “Boarding Agreement” and pay boarding fees before check-in at the school dormitory.
3.Boarding students should respect dormitory supervisors and cooperate with them to create a civilized and harmonious living environment.
4.Boarding students must follow the boarding schedule as listed below:
1) After morning call at 7:00 AM, they should get up, clean their rooms and get ready to leave;
2) They must leave the dormitory building by 7:30 AM;
3) They must not stay in the dormitory building for the following periods:
7:40 ——12:00 AM
13:05——16:00 PM(Friday:12:40——15:00)
17:50——20:45 PM
4) Senior high one and two students must get ready to sleep by 9:50 PM and senior high three students by 10:50 PM;
They must not chat or walk around after lights are off. Nor must they use torches, mobile phones or dormitory phones.
5.Boarding students must obey the following security rules:
1) They must not shout, run, fight or make loud noise by any means in the dormitory building.
2) They must not take non-boarding students or people outside the school to the dormitory building.
3) They are not allowed to take basketball, football and volleyball to the dormitory building or to play any risky games inside the dorm.
4) They must respect privacy. They should not pay visits without permission. They must not enter rooms of the opposite sex. Nor must they use personal belongings of others or read others’ letters and diaries without permission.
5) They should be safety conscious. No candles, mosquito spray and coil, or fire of any description in the dormitory. No high powered electrical equipment including electric cups, electric pans, microwave ovens, chargers, and emergency lamps.
6) They must maintain a high standard of hygiene. No spitting. No throwing garbage or pouring water out of windows/doors.
7) They should take good care of all public belongings in the dormitory. Devices and equipment can not be moved without permission. No graffiti on doors, windows or walls. They must turn off air conditioners, televisions, lights, taps, etc. before leaving the dormitory.
8) They are responsible for the security of their personal possessions, particularly cash and bank cards. They must close windows and lock doors before leaving the dormitory.
6.Boarding students must return to the dormitory by 22:00 on the last day of a weekend or a holiday.
XII. Progressing Rules |
1.Those who attend more than 70% of all classes and pass both mid-term and final exams can progress to a higher grade unless they depart or are expelled from school due to misconduct.
2.Those who fail in the annual evaluations of 5 subjects of any kind, including arts and PE can not resit exams or progress to a higher grade.
3.Those who fail in the annual evaluations of up to 4 subjects can resit exams, and they can progress to a higher grade if they pass all the exams.
4.The following students can not progress to a higher grade:
1) Those who fail in the annual evaluations of 5 subjects of any kind can not resit exams or progress to a higher grade.
2) Those who, after resitting exams, fail again in two of the three major subject exams, Chinese, mathematics and English, can not progress to a higher grade.
3) Those who, after resitting exams, fail again in one major subject exam and two other subjects can not progress to a higher grade.
XIII. Security System |
1.Students should follow the guidance of teachers and staff while in school. By no means should they disturb daily operation of the school.
2.They can enter the school by showing their student ID cards or school cards. Those who forget to take either of these cards with them and those who need to go into or out of the school on weekends must register at the main gate and wait for entry until their school identities are confirmed. Those without the school identity can not enter the school without permission.
3.Going into or out of the school by climbing walls or any other improper means is forbidden. Entry into or exit from a dormitory through the balcony is also forbidden. Students themselves are responsible for any physical harm or property loss caused by improper means of entry and exit.
4.An ‘Exit Slip’ from a teacher is necessary for a student who needs to leave school before 15:50. It is also necessary for a boarding student who needs to leave school after 15:50.
5.Students should be safety conscious while in school. They should stop romping when it goes too much. They should not attempt anything risky or dangerous. Nor should they make jokes that may hurt others.
6.Anything risky or dangerous in corridors, on stairs and near the lake is forbidden such as chasing others.
7.Students are not allowed to take with them or deliver anything that may cause physical harm, such as chemicals, toy guns, laser pens, firecrackers, knives, etc.
8.They should keep their possessions safe. Our school suggests they do not take unnecessary cash to the school.
9.Our school also suggests they do not take to school anything costly such as CD players, laptops, cameras, etc. If they do, they should keep it safe and they themselves are responsible for the loss.
10.Day students can ride bicycles or motorbikes to school after they get permission from our school. When they reach the school gate, they must get off the vehicle, walk into the school campus, and leave it in an appointed area after they lock it.
11.Anything that may affect school daily operation or cause physical harm is banned, including bicycles, electric bikes and skating boards.
12.Students should be safety conscious and self-protective. They must avoid physical harm of any kind. They are not allowed to touch, change or operate any school equipment such as electrical appliances, CCTV-monitoring equipment, security equipment, fire elimination equipment and heating pipelines.
13.Our school requires that students have meals in the school canteen and take care of dietary hygiene.
14.Any student who does not belong to our school but requires entry to the campus to take part in an activity may enter the campus after his identity is confirmed and he gets the permission from our school as well.
15.Violence of any kind is banned in school. Students who offend this rule are immediately expelled from our school.
16.Violence of any kind in resolving conflicts with other students, especially with those from other races or from the Domestic Division is banned. Any conflict must be reported to teachers or relevant staff immediately and be resolved by teachers rather than students. Those who offend this rule and cause severe consequences are expelled immediately. |
XIV. Meeting and Dining Requirements |
1.Students must not be late for any meeting in the Hall or other places, or for any event such as school opening ceremony, performances and games. Nor must they leave earlier than they are supposed to.
2.They must not leave in the middle of a meeting or a performance unless there is an emergency.
3.They should respect performers and lecturers. They must not make loud noise in a performance, a ceremony or a meeting. When entering or exiting a meeting place, they should take orders, be modest and polite to others.
4.Dining outside the school is not recommended. Boarding students should have 3 meals in the school canteen every day from Monday to Friday. Day students should also have lunch in the school canteen.
5.Students must queue for meals and take care of their dietary hygiene. They must not talk loud, romp, or fight while having meals.
6.They must not waste food. After finishing a meal, they are required to leave dishware in an appointed place. They are not allowed to take dishware out of the canteen without teachers’ permission.
7.They should dine in the canteen during the scheduled dining periods. The canteen does not serve meals for those who come earlier or late.
XV. Maintenance of School Environment |
1.In order to maintain a beautiful campus environment, our school does not allow any student to throw litter about or spit. Violators of this rule are required to clean up the mess and do one week’s cleaning in the teaching building such as cleaning classrooms.
2.To keep the school building clean, our school does not allow any student to scribble on any school facility such as desks, podium desks and walls. Violators of this rule are required to clean off the marks. If the marks can not be thoroughly removed or the facility is somehow damaged, the school’s General Affair’s Office requires financial compensation, the exact amount of which is in accordance with the degree of damage.
3.Students should help maintain everything in the school including the greenery and all the facilities. Those who damage anything in the school are required to pay for it. Those who cause damage on purpose must pay 5 to 10 times and the school gives them disciplinary punishment.
4.They should be well behaved. No food or beverage is permitted in teaching areas including classrooms, halls, gymnasiums, computer rooms, libraries and labs. Any student with food must follow teachers’ instructions and leave it in an appointed place.
5.No shouting, running or chasing in the school during class break. |
XVI. Access to Computers, Internet, Copying Machines and Printers |
1.To help overseas students contact their parents and friends, our school arranges for them to use computers and internet every week. A detailed timetable for computer room access is posted on the school notice board.
2.Our school’s property management office provides photocopying service for students.
3.Students who need internet access must follow instructions of the teachers in charge of computer rooms. Those who do not are not allowed to use computer rooms.
4.To keep computer rooms clean and neat, the school does not allow students to bring in any food or beverage.
5.Students must help maintain facilities in computer rooms. Those who damage anything in computer rooms are required to pay for it. Those who cause damage on purpose must pay 5 to 10 times and the school gives them disciplinary punishment.
6.Our school’s internet center keeps record of every access to the internet. Students must not visit unhealthy websites. If violators of this rule disregard teachers’ dissuasion, they are deprived of the rights to internet access.
7.Computer rooms are open to all students for the following periods:
(1)12:45——13:15, Monday to Thursday;
(2) 8:50—— 9:30, Monday to Friday.
8.Boarding students are not allowed to access internet in their study time (from Monday to 4:00PM Friday) or the school gives them disciplinary punishment.
9.Students must not use computers, printers or photocopiers in any office without permission.
XVII. Procedures for School Transfer |
1.Any student who needs to transfer to another school must submit an application letter with parents’ or guardian’s signature on it to Teaching Affairs Office by the end of a semester.
2.Our school reviews the application letter and gives feedback to the applicant student within three days after receiving it.
3.If an applicant student meets the conditions for school transfer, our school provides the following materials:
(1)A 'Proof of School Transfer';
(2)An evaluation report on the applicant's morality and behavior from the class teacher;
(3)An academic report card of the applicant.
4.Our school does not accept transfer application from the following students:
(1)Those who have not yet paid our school for everything including damage of school facilities;
(2)Those who have missed a subject exam and have not yet resat the examination;
(3)Those who have received departure or expulsion punishment from the school.
5.Any student who fails to complete the procedure for school transfer is automatically excluded from the school.
6.Important notice: “Proof of Study” simply shows that a student is studying at our school and thus it can not be used to replace “Proof of School Transfer”. |
XVIII. Scholarships |
To encourage students to study hard, our school sets up the following scholarship programs:
1.The scholarship for an excellent student upon entering our school is $1000;
2.Scholarships for passing HSK:
(1)Students who pass HSK band 4 are awarded RMB200 and a certificate;
(2)Students who pass HSK band 8 are awarded RMB500 and a certificate;
(3)Students who pass HSK band 10 are awarded RMB1000 and a certificate;
3.Scholarships for award winners of each semester:
(1)Students who win the award of “Study Excellence” get RMB500 and a certificate;
(2)Students who win the award of “Full Attendance” get RMB500 and a certificate;
(3)Students who win the award of “Rapid Study Progress” get RMB300 and a certificate;
(4)Students who win the award of “Boarding Excellence” get RMB300 and a certificate;
(5)Students who win the award of “Leadership Excellence” get RMB300 and a certificate. |
XIX. Formal Discipline |
1.To protect rights and interests of all students and to make school rules serious, our school gives disciplinary punishment to those who seriously offend school rules.
Disciplinary punishment has the following 5 levels:
Level A: Warning;
Level B: Serious warning;
Level C: School inspection warning;
Level D: Voluntary departure from the school;
Level E: Expulsion from the school.
2.The following students immediately receive disciplinary punishment:
(1)Those who are frequently absent from, or late for a class and those who leave a class earlier than they are supposed to;
(2)Boarding students who refuse to attend night classes after dissuasion;
(3)Those who cheat on an exam or break other exam rules;
(4)Those who damage school facilities deliberately and bring serious negative consequences to our school;
(5)Those who keep breaking boarding rules after dissuasion such as often returning late and not cleaning rooms;
(6)Those who do not respect teachers and staff such as offending them with impolite words or behavior.
3.3. The following students are expelled from the school immediately:
(1)Those who gather a crowd for physical violence such as fighting;
(2)Those who take drugs in the school;
(3)Those who smoke or drink in the school or around;
(4)Those who practise sexual behavior in the school.
4.A disciplinary punishment name list is posted once a month after it is made, based on a student’ attendance and daily performance in addition to any outburst of the student during a month, through analysis and vote of the vice director of the International Division, who is in charge of student affairs, together with all class teachers. Level D voluntary departure and Level E expulsion can not be given until after they are approved by the highest authority of the school, School Affairs Congress. |
XX. Procedures for School Departure |
Note: Students must submit this sheet together with their student ID card to Foreign Affairs Office after it is completed.