办 学 理 念
华东师范大学第二附属中学 汉语国际教育中心 The Chinese International Education Center
of No.2 High School of ECNU |
No.2 High School of ECNU is a good high school.
No.2 High School of ECNU is a “key” high school under the direct auspices of the National Education Ministry. In 2007, the school was entitled
“Model Unit” of China’s national Education Collective. The school is also a Model Unit of Shanghai.
In China, No.2 High School of ECNU is a representative of middle school education and innovation reform.
What are the characteristics of No.2 High School of ECNU?
1.“六个百分之百”实现面向全体的优质教育,形成华东师大二附中的育人模式: 100%的学生在校期间做100课时社会服务的志愿者,100%的学生参与科学探索或社
会研究的“小课题研究”, 学校开设100余门培养学生特长的课程,100%的学生参与文化科学艺术体育的社团,学生在校做100个科学与工程的实验, 100%的学生学会游泳。
The concept of “six one-hundreds” forms the basic cultivating mode of the school.
One hundred percent of the students must work as volunteers for 100 hours. One hundred percent of the students do some research on scientific or social issues. The school
provides one hundred selective courses to develop the students’ specialties. One hundred percent of the students take part in one or some student clubs. The
students do one hundred scientific and engineering experiments. One hundred percent of the students learn to swim.
30 golden medals in Olympiad discipline competitions reflects the results of education, moreover formed the “brand” of No.2 High School of
ECNU。Since 1980, the students in the school participated in international mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information science and other
disciplines Olympiad competitions, received 30 gold medals, and therefore the school won the "Gold Medal school" reputation. A variety of extracurricular
activities, the relaxing and lively teaching atmosphere and manner, the intimate and harmonious relationship between teachers and students form the school
spirit of “the pursuit of excellence”.
The students in the school have really achieved "light burden, good scores, dynamic and energetic". In the process of improving the overall quality of the
students, the school provides a high standard, high-quality education, which makes society, the university and the parents satisfied, and moreover, the students
benefit for their entire lives.
Chinese Language Education Service for Foreigners
HSEFZ is one of the key high schools which started international education at earliest time in Shanghai. In 1999, the international centre was set
up and began to provide education with academic schooling for foreign students.
HSEFZ is a Foundation of the Chinese language promotion under the direct auspices of the Office of Chinese Language Council International, as well
as the Foundation of Chinese language promotion to the Overseas Chinese.
Authorized by the Office of Chinese Language Council International of the People's Republic of China, HSEFZ is established as the test center for HSK which is the only test center in Pudong New Area.
HSK,是“汉语水平考试”的汉语拼音Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi的缩写,是为测试外国人、华侨的汉语水平而设立的国家级标准化考试。
What is HSK?
HSK is the abbreviation for Chinese Pinyin Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi(Chinese language proficiency test). HSK is the national standard exam established to test the Chinese language proficiency of foreigners, overseas Chinese and Chinese minorities.
The teaching of Chinese Language to the world
The Partnership with Excellent Schools in Various Countries
Our school has a good relationship with a lot of schools in Australia, the UK, Singapore, the USA, Korea, and Netherlands. There are always some teacher and student exchange visits between us.
The name list of our partnership schools
英国(the UK) Dean Close School
美国(the USA) La Jolla Country Day School
美国(the USA) Peddie School
澳大利亚(Australia) Geelong College School
韩国(Korea) 釜山大学附属高中
(the High school attached to Pusan University)
新加坡(Singapore) Fairfield Methodist Secondary School
荷兰(Netherlands) Nova College
荷兰(Netherlands) Gemeentelijk Gymnasium Hilversum
法国(French) Lycee Stanislas High School
印度尼西亚(Indonesia) Yayasan Pendidikan G.M.I. Imanuel Jakarta
Sekolah Methodist
印度(India) Delhi Public School R.K. Puram
The New Building for the Foundation of Chinese Language Promotion Has been Completed
Our school has enough resources to meet the requirements of the international education cooperation.
Under the full support of Pudong government, the school’s new building for the Foundation of Chinese Language Promotion is now complete. The building costs an investment of about 62390000 RMB with 10 floors and 7995 square meters construction acreage. There are electronic reading rooms, multimedia language rooms, an academic report hall, various classrooms, and 80 rooms with a hotel standard in this building.
This is the first building in our country that is specially set up for the Foundation of Chinese Language Promotion and was completed in May, 2009.
地 点:华东师范大学第二附属中学汉语国际教育中心
Chinese International education center of No. 2 High School of East China Normal University
地 址:上海市浦东新区晨晖路555号
555 Chenhui Rd, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China
联系人:沈老师、周老师、吴老师 Contact Person:Ms. Shen, Ms. Zhou, Ms. Wu
电 话:0086-21-50804157 Tel:0086-21-50804157
传 真:0086-21-50801509 Fax:0086-21-50801509
邮 箱:guojibu@hsefz.cn E-mail:guojibu@hsefz.cn